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Before you download Sincest  you need to know that if your using a resolution of 640x480 or less then this program will NOT fit on your screen, its about the same size as the 'display properties ' window. This screen shot is actual size (remember that I have a larger than usual font) so you can see if it will fit on your screen (but your browser will probably have a toolbar and address bar so take that into account).


File Size



SinEd Omega 1.0.8 148k September 11 1999 A modified version of SinEd. Before you try this, you'll need to have SinEd installed and working.
Sincest Installation Files v1.2.3 2.17mb

April 10 1999

Full install if you don't have a previous version installed.
Sincest Exe File v1.2.3 89k April 10 1999 If you already have a previous version of Sincest (at least 1.2) installed, you only need this to update it.
SincestAddin v1.3.002 268k June 28 1999 Mod control addin for Sincest. If you're using IE3 or higher you can automatically install  it here.
Sincest Source 146k August 20 1999 The source code for Sincest and the addin control. You'll need VB6 to do anything with it.



File Size



WoF v0.5d 589k November 11 1999 Weapons of Fury mod for SiN. To find out to play go here or read the readme.txt in the zip.
WoF v0.5d Source 745k November 11 1999 Source code for WoF. 
C&H v0.1 618k December 26 1999 Capture & Hold, a SiN version of the Domination mod for UT.
C&H v0.1 Source 730k December 26 1999 Source code for Capture & Hold