FAKK2Arena guide to creating maps -- Ritual

Fakk2 Arena Guide to Creating Maps

Fakk2 arena is a team-based game (1on1, 2on2, etc…) where 2 teams battle it out in the Fakk2 world. When a player joins a Fakk2 arena server they will be transported to a lobby area where they can select which arena they want to join by using the menus. When a player joins an arena, they will be put into spectator mode. If they wish to play, they must first either create or join a team. A team consists of 1 or more players. The game will then match up teams on a first in/first out basis. The winner of the match will stay in the arena whereas the loser will be placed at the end of the line. New teams joining the game will be placed at the end of the line.

Fakk2 deathmatch is multi arena enabled. This means that you can have multiple arenas in a single map file. This document provides all the information you’ll need to get Fakk2Arena deathmatch up and running in your maps.

Worldspawn Entity

In your worldspawn entity set the number of arenas in the map with the key/value pair "numarenas". Here’s an example of a worldspawn with 4 arenas:

"classname" "worldspawn"
"numarenas" "4"

Create a Lobby

This room will consist of 10-20 info_player_deathmatch entities that have the arena key set to 0. This defines where the players will spawn when joining the server. No gameplay will take place in the lobby. It is just a meeting room where players enter before joining up to an arena.

Create 1 or More Arenas

Arenas are sections of the map where the matches/fighting will take place. Use more than enough info_player_deathmatch entities to handle the number of players that you will expect to play on this map. If it’s a 1on1 map, then make sure that there’s at least 4 info_player_deathmatch entities in the arena. Set the arena key to the arena’s number. Each arena must have a different number. Please use sequential number when numbering the arenas (arena=1, arena=2, arena=3 etc…) Here’s an example of an info_player_deathmatch in arena number 2:

"classname" "info_player_deathmatch"
"arena" "2"
"angle" "90"

Create a Scriptfile to configure the arenas

Your mapname.scr file will contain the configuration information for each arena. You must precede each command with the arena # to set up each arena. You can also use the keyword ‘all’ instead of a number. Here’s a list of commands followed by an example:

name – set the name of the arena.
playersperteam – the max number of players on a team
starting_water – the amount of water the player will start off with
starting_health – the amount of health the player will start off with
addweapon - This sets up the weapons that each player will start the match with. This defines what weapons will be allowed in the arena.
addammo - This sets the amount of ammo each player will start the match with. The following example configures 2 different arenas.

Arena 1 (Arena of the Gods) is a 1on1 arena. Each player starts off with 80 health and 80 water. The players will also be equipped with a sword and a shield. Arena 2 ( Arena of Death) is a 2on2 arena. Each player starts off with 100 health and 0 water. The players will be equipped with a shotgun.

thread initarenas

arena 1 name "Arena of the Gods"
arena 1 playersperteam 1
arena 1 starting_water 80
arena 1 starting_health 80
arena 1 addweapon weapon_sword.tik
arena 1 addweapon weapon_smallshield.tik

arena 2 name "Arena of Death"
arena 2 playersperteam 2
arena 2 starting_water 0
arena 2 starting_health 100
arena 2 addweapon weapon_shotgun.tik