DM Flags - "wtf?!"

 Falling Damage 
 Allow Health 
 Allow Armour 
 Allow Power-ups 
 Friendly Fire 
 Persistent Weapons 
 Instant Power-ups 
 Infinite Ammo 
 Force Respawn 
 Fixed FOV 
 Weapon Switching 
 Same Map 
 Allow Exit 
 Team Play 

Deathmatch settings are called dmflags, and they're miscellaneous server side flags (options, switches) that allow you to control the game itself. These do not effect performance, or any exterior technical server things. For example you can leave armour on, but turn health off. Each time you come to this screen, the default settings will reload (grrr!), but you gotta live with it.

Each DM flag has been assigned a #, starting from 1. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16.. etc. These numbers are added up to give you a total DM flags # (much easier, one number, instead of a whole bunch of variables). Note that you can easily sum dm flags for your DEDICATED at the bottom of the in-game dmflag menu.

Unlike earlier games, you can change dmflags real-time in SiN (through the console, dmflags #), no need to reload the map. Very cool.

Format:   name - dmflag # (coming soon) - values

Falling Damage - Yes/No. This controls whether players recieve damage when they land from high falls off of buildings or ledges. I highly recommend you leave this on NO, as SiN has very great (as in big) fall damage, and you'll find yourself with 50% health gone from just 2 big leaps. This is an example where realism is not good, or rather, exaggerated.

Persistent Weapons - Yes/No. This controls whether weapons will stay if a player runs over them (picks it up). You should really have this as YES, because it makes the game more fair (all players can get the same weapon). Try it out both ways, and you'll see that Weapons Stay ON is much better gameplay.

Weapon Switching - Normal/Instant. This controls how fast you switch between weapons. Normal is normal speed (pretty damned slow), and instant is, well, INSTANT. I feel instant switching is better, because players can quickly select the weapon they need for whatever kid of situation they may be in. Instant switching does not seem to effect the selection of secondary weapons (bug?), and for common sense reaons, does not affect sniper rifle loading (duh?!).

Allow Health - Yes/No. If set to No, no health power-ups will spawn in a game. Can you say FUN? Mwuahahah

Allow Armour - Yes/No. If set to No, no armour wil spawn in the game.

Allow Power-ups - Yes/No. If set to No, power-ups will not spawn in the game. Power-ups are those special items you can use, such as U4 Drug Monster, Invisibility, Invincibility, and Super speed. (I bet a whole bunch of you out there just said "POWER-UPS?! NO WONDER!"). Power-ups are GOOD! They add variety, THINKING and strategy.

Instant Power-ups - Yes/No. If set to Yes, power-ups will be used right away when a player picks it up. I highly recommend you set this to NO, because you'd (a player) want to be able to control when you use a power-up (strategic, you use the power-up at just the right time).

Infinite Ammo - Yes/No. If set to Yes, everyone will have unlimited ammo for their weapons, and no ammo items will spawn in the game. Note that with this set to Yes, a player will spawn/re-spawn with spider mines in their hands right away, not the pistol (they have the pistol, just not loaded in hands =). The reason for this is that the Ritual boys gave everyone a "detonator" (the remote trigger thingy) on you, and the mines were ammo you picked up.

Force Respawn - Yes/No. If set to Yes, players will auto re-spawn without them having to press a key. Advantage of that is so that people can keep playing if someone goes back to windows or takes a leak (they keep killing him as he stands then respawns). Disadvantage is for the victim =), if you wanna go take a leak, you'll probably be dead a few times if you have Force Respawn set to No.

Spawn Farthest - Yes/No. If set to Yes, players will re-spawn the farthest probable distance from where they died. Set this to No if you want those battles where a dude re-spawns 3 times in a row on the same spot and gets killed by the same dude each time (hahah fun).

Same Map - Yes/No. If set to Yes, then the same map will be played every round. Also, the map cycling is null if you do this.

Allow Exit - Yes/No. Age old flag from Quake1, hardly ever used anymore. This will only be useful if you play single player maps as deathmatch maps. EXTREME CAUTION with single player maps. Best not run them at all. This is just SiN's case, in Q2 have a blast with single player maps as deathmatch maps.

Team Play - By Skin/By Model/None. If set to By Skin, then teams will be will be organised by the skin they wear. If set to By Model (recommended Team Play mode), then the teams will be organised by model (Blade, Elexis, JC). If set to none, then no teams exist (normal free-for-all). Note the next flag affects this one.

Friendly Fire - Yes/No - If set to Yes, team mates (see above) can hurt eachother with their shots. Seeing as there is no team scoring system, there is no freakin' point to this flag =) it's just left over from the Quake engine. However, I haven't checked this out yet, but maybe you lose a frag
for yourself if you kill a mate... hmmm.

Fixed FOV - Yes/No. if set to Yes, players cannot go lower than FOV 90. Good if you want to stop people from using low FOV's for zoom on any weapon. Quake2 Fixed FOV actually FIXED the FOV to 90 (baaaaad), SiN Fixed FOV just restricts FOV's > 90. FOV's < 90 are always open though, thank god, for us hardcores who need fisheye. NOTE: FOV = Field of View, it can be changed in the console, try it: fov 90 is default, fov 360 is max (extreme fisheye), fov 1 is minimum (extreme zoom). Try any valus between 1 and 360. Higher than 90, you see more on the sides of your screen (corner of your eye) but father away at the center of your screen. FOV 120 is a standard hardcore gamers' FOV. ANy FOV higher than 90, you can't see your 1st person
perspective weapon.

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