Getting your site hosted by us Last updated Jan 1 2000

Think you have something original? You review other people's stuff or make your own? Would like to get your site hosted by the hottest Ritual news and info site around? We are open to host all SiN/Ritual/FAKK2 related pages. What would you get?

- Support for CGI/Perl/PHP3
- Unlimited Space.
- Premade scripts. Need a discussion board, email lists, a counter or similar standard things? Don't worry, we have it.
- Your own emailadress POP or forwarding.
- Your own dir on
- And much more.

What do we ask of you in return?

- A commitment that your site will be updated regularly and not left untouched for weeks at a time.
- A commitment to your site for at least 6 months.
- Our banner ad will run at the top of your main pages.
- You will refrain from using your site for anything other than what it is for.
- You will refrain from any illegal activities, particularly using the server to pass unlawfully copied software.
- Keep all passwords confidential.
- You will be added to our internal mailing list and may receive confidential information about upcoming Sin/Ritual events, etc. This information must remain confidential.
- To be committed exclusively to Ritualistic (ex. No mirror sites)

Sounds good? Email with the URL of your site. We don't even think about hosting sites if it's not up yet or when it doesn't have quite some content already. Just put it up on something like GeoCities or Xoom and show us what you got. If we think you're site is good enough we'll reply to you and will tell you what information is required to get hosted by us. We look forward to hearing from you.